Notice of Bidding
Sealed bids will be received by the Town of Lake Mills at 1111 South Main Street, Lake Mills, WI 53551 until 5:00 PM, Monday, March 9, 2020 for the following services:
Installation and removal of two piers, 24 buoys and one set of swim ropes for the Town of Lake Mills.
A.) Piers are to be installed at two Town boat launches located on Rock Lake, Jefferson County, WI.: Ferry Park and Elm Point Landings.
B.) 24 Navigational Buoys are to be placed by WI Dept. of Natural Resources established GPS coordinates upon the waters of Rock Lake. Buoys will be removed, cleaned and returned to storage at the end of the boating season.
C.) Swim ropes are to be installed/removed at Ferry Park located on Rock Lake in the Town of Lake Mills.
D.) An hourly wage should be proposed for maintenance services. Maintenance services to include: Spring repair or any maintenance of locations during the boating season or any other general maintenance of these facilities at installation and removal. All parts and equipment to repair said buoys shall be provided to the contractor by the Town of Lake Mills.
Opening of bids will be Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at the regular monthly Town Board meeting at 7:00PM at 1111 south Main Street Lake Mills, WI. Bids submitted should be in a double envelope marked “Pier Bids”.
The letting of this work is subject to provisions of Wi Statute Section 66.0901. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive or not waive any informality in the bids received and to accept any proposals the Town deems favorable in the interest of the Town.
Questions may be directed to Hope Oostdik Town Chair @ 920-675-6464.